Friday, April 24, 2009

Double beds?

Do you ever have one of those nights where you wish you had his and her beds?
So the other night I was peacfully dreaming of a good nights sleep when Heath, my loving husband, rolls over and his huge ass hand lands right on my face. Yes that is right he totally back hands me at like 4:00 in the morning. It hurt so bad I cried. I thankfully did not get a black eye or anything like that. I know he would feel so horrible that I have decided not to tell him about his midnight beating. But my face hurt for like 2 days. So if I should happen to show up with bruises it's just Heath worries.
ps. Heath is not in anyway a wife beater. Love ya babe.


Stefany Pew said...

Hahahaha!! That is hilarious! I can't believe you didn't wake him up and hit him back! You are bigger than me I guess! LOL

Ryan and LeDawn said...

ha, ha, ha... I was actually just telling Ryan that we need our own beds! I HATE sharing a bed sometimes! Ryan has the SHARPEST elbows ever made and I get decked on the face all the time by them! We have a Cali King and it's not big enough!

Lexi said...

Poor Laura! So far Bryce hasn't bugged me in his sleep! Yay for that!