Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I'm BAAACK!!!!

Okay so this summer has been so busy, but fun and exciting, we just got back from Lake Powell and let me just say this was one of the funnest years yet. Pictures of our summer will come soon...maybe? We went to Cali for the Disneyland fun, we went to the Cabin for camping fun and we just went to LP for water fun. Now my friends I am trying to finish painting one house, packing the other, preparing for preschool, fitting a wedding dress this friday and somewhere amidst all the chaos attempting to raise three children, wish me luck and happy week, for I may not get to visit again.


Kasey said...

Good luck! I'm still curoius about this new house....

Rosemary said...

Wow where did you move to? I love to paint houses by the way so if you need any help, I'm down. Our kids can hang out. Oh, and I wanted to see if you wanted to sell some of your cute baby stuff at our open hosue we are having the first Saturday in September. Let me know if you want to and I'll send you all the info!