Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th of JULY!!!

Well, it's the 4th of july. We spent the holiday with Heath's family at The Point South mountain and let me tell you it was such a blast. So much fun in fact that my children were too tired to stay up and watch fireworks. We played all day in the water. There park is so much fun. I will tell I am so blessed to have such a big family with older cousins to play with and help keep track of the youngers. They are some of the best neices and nephews a girl could have.
We host a craft class on thursdays at our house and i am so tired I don't know if I am going to be able to stay awake during it. It is so much fun we have like 8 kids that come and we read a couple books and then do a craft to go with the theme of our books. Last week we did plant and seed books and so we painted pots and planted seeds, it was such a blast. Its just a bunch of my kids' friends who come. I am really glad I decided to do it for the summer. It gives the kids something to do on the boring oh so hot summer days. well have a happy 4th of july and stay safe.


Kasey said...

I'm sorry we have not made it to the craft day. I really want to come and bring my kids, but I've had something going on every Thursday. Like tomorrow... hopefully we can make it next week. =)

Kasey said...

Pics are so easy! When you are posting there is a tiny blue square at the top of the page. That is the picture icon. Just click on that and upload your pictures. We do a movie day on Friday's so hopefully Monday. I'm totally planning on Thursday. I don't have anything planned for that day. The kids will be so excited. I think they are sick of just me. =)See ya soon! Good luck with your blog. I can always come and help you out if you need me to.

Laura Davis said...

I might take you up on giving me a hand. My kids are sick of me too, which is why we started the craft day. we need to get our kids together to play anyways we are always looking for friends to come over. I love it when they get to the age of wanting friends to come over, It is so cute.

Cassie Simonton said...

Rub it in why don't you, I'm soo jealous that I couldn't go and ya'll (that's Texan for you all) went without me!! I heard everyone pretty much crashed when they got home!